The Firm
It is a multidisciplinary team, specialized in different legal areas and focused on individual clients as well as companies.
We offer personal and comprehensive legal services, getting involved with our clients since the very beginning.
We collaborate with Auditor firms, financial advisors, Law firms, Banks…. To offer the most efficient and productive service to our clients.
INTEGRITY, PROFESSIONALIDAD, AND COMMITMENT are the pillars which inspire and rule our relationship with our clients. We will assess your case and will give you the best option for you.
Free initial consultation.
Manuel Mora-Figueroa Feijóo
Managing partner
Manuel Mora-Figueroa Feijóo
Managing partner
- Law degree
- Degree in Business Management and Administration
¿Por qué Mora-Figueroa Abogados?
Trato personalizado
Basamos nuestra filosofía en el trato directo y personal con el cliente, buscando en todo momento una confianza duradera basada en la experiencia, calidad y resultado que ofrece nuestro asesoramiento.
Nuestro mayor valor es la satisfacción del cliente.
Nuestra experiencia profesional, en unión de un trato humanamente personalizado con el cliente, nos permite prestar un perfecto asesoramiento jurídico y representación legal ante las distintas instituciones.